- der / die / das (def. art.) the;(dem. pron.) that, those; (rel. pron) who, that
- und (conj.) and
- sein (verb) to be; (aux./perfect tense)
- in (prep.) in [variation: im in the]
- ein (indef. art.) a, an; (pron.) one (of)
- zu (prep.) to, at; (adv.) too
- haben (verb) to have; (aux./perfect tense)
- ich (pers. pron.) I
- werden (verb) to become; (aux./future tense); ;(aux./passive voice)
- sie (pron.) she, her; they, them; Sie(pron.) you (formal)
- von (prep.) from, of
- nicht (adv.) not
- mit (prep.) with
- es (pron.) it
- sich (refl. pron.) -self
- auch (adv.) also, too
- auf (prep.) on, at, in
- für (prep.) for
- an (prep.) at, on [variation: am at/onthe]
- er (pron.) he
- so (adv.) so; thus, this way, such
- dass (conj.) that
- können (verb) can, to be able
- dies (pron.) this, that
- als (conj.) as, when; (adv.) than
- ihr (pron.) you, her; (poss. adj.) her, their,hers, theirs; Ihr (poss. adj.) your (formal)
- ja (adv.) yes; certainly, really
- wie (adv.) how; as
- bei (prep.) by, with, at
- oder (conj.) or
- wir (pron.) we
- aber (conj.) but; (adv./flavoring particle)
- dann (adv.) then
- man (pron.) one, you
- da (adv.) there; (conj.) because
- sein (poss. adj.) his, its
- noch (adv.) still, yet
- nach (prep.) after, toward
- was (pron.) what
- also (adv.) so, therefore
- aus (prep.) out, out of, from
- all (pron.) all
- wenn (conj.) if, when
- nur (adv.) only
- müssen (verb) to have to, must
- sagen (verb) to say
- um (prep.) around, at [variation: um ... zu in order to]
- über (prep.) above, over, about
- machen (verb) to do, make
- kein (pron.) no, not a/an
- Jahr das, -e (noun) year
- du (pron.) you
- mein (poss. adj.) my
- schon (adv.) already; (adv./flavoring particle)
- vor (prep.) in front of, before, ago
- durch (prep.) through
- geben (verb) to give
- mehr (adv.) more
- andere, anderer, anderes (adj./pron.) other
- viel (adj./pron.) much, a lot, many
- kommen (verb) to come
- jetzt (adv.) now
- sollen (verb) should, ought to
- mir (pron.) me
- wollen (verb) to want
- ganz (adj.) whole, all the; (adv.) quite
- mich (pron.) me
- immer (adv.) always
- gehen (verb) to go
- sehr (adv.) very
- hier (adv) here
- doch (adv.) however, still; (adv./flavoringparticle)
- bis (prep./conj.) until
- groß (adj.) big, large, great
- wieder (adv.) again
- Mal das, -e (noun) time; mal (conj.) times [math]; (adv.) time(s); once; just
- zwei (num.) two
- gut (adj.) good
- wissen (verb) to know
- neu (adj.) new
- sehen (verb) to see
- lassen (verb) to let, allow, have (something) done
- uns (pron.) us
- weil (conj.) because
- unter (prep.) under
- denn (conj.) because; (adv./flavoring particle)
- stehen (verb) to stand
- jede, jeder, jedes (art./pron.) every, each
- Beispiel, das, -e (noun) example
- Zeit, die (noun) time
- erste, erster, erstes (adj.) first
- ihm (pron.) him, it
- ihn (pron.) him
- wo (adv.) where
- lang (adj.) long; lange (adv.) for along time
- eigentlich (adv.) actually; (adj.) actual,real
- damit (adv.) with it; (conj.) so that
- selbst, selber (pron.) -self; (adv.) even
- unser (poss. adj.) our
- oben (adv.) above, up there